I am an Automotive / Industrial Designer residing in Houston, Texas.
I am currently employed as an Automotive Designer / Stylist at RUSH Auto Works: a racecar company out in Houston, TX.
I am also employed part time as Lead Industrial Designer for SEKCO LLC: another Houston company that is in the Laundry business,
My role there is to help develop an eco-friendly and faster alternative to traditional washing / drying solutions.
My role there is to help develop an eco-friendly and faster alternative to traditional washing / drying solutions.
I am interested in creating optimal experiences and interactions between people and the products they use everyday.
I hope to use my creativity to collaborate with others, solve problems and design useful products that push the boundaries of innovation.
Automotive Design is my passion and I want to continue pursuing this field as well as the other realms of design this field encompasses.
Feel free to browse my website to view my work or contact me for any questions or inquiries.
Email : jjcuell1147@gmail.com
Mobile : (832) 714-2780